Welcome to Henderson Valley Vet where our motto is "Helping families locally". We see you and your pets as a family and we at HVV are a family too. Dr Garry, Jenny, Nerys and Sue. We have a purpose built clinic with separate cat & dog consulting & hospital rooms (not many clinics have that, to decrease the stress when visiting the doctor) and separate areas for cats & dogs waiting with their owners. We have clinics in the morning & evening for consultations by appointment, … [Read More...]

Health checks Vaccinations X rays Dental Surgery Nerve blocks Skin scraping Cancer Surgery and Therapy … [Read More...]
Health Screens

Angelina Jolie as we know has had genetic testing and has made the dramatic decision to have a … [Read More...]

Henderson Valley Cattery wants to care for your cat, while you holiday, we look after your babies. … [Read More...]